Mehsoon Turk
3 min readMay 6, 2021


The bold and the brave

It is okay to get your heart broken every now and then . Yes I used the term “heartbroken” and also the term okay in the same sentence. The word heartbroken scares the crap out of everyone and it has every reason to.. But the fact of the matter is that you can never really know what it’s like to feel genuinely happy and fulfilled until you’ve had your heart broken and your soul crippled . This falling to the size of zero will give you the greatest push in life. You can either choose to give up on yourself, go to bed and cry or you can decide to treat yourself in a way that will help you grow again . I mean I’m not asking you to not go to bed and cry. It is actually quite therapeutic . i say cry , cry your fucking heart out and then get up . Get up, do something ,anything that makes you feel alive . On the least, breathe. Sit on the thought that at the end of the day , its you who’s gotta pull ourself out of this . Its you who gotta be your knight in the shining armour . Its you whos gotta pick yourself up. I know all of this may sound like some motivational crap I learned at the gym but this is what it is, motivational crap . It will make you think about it once . These words will echo in your head the next time you’re crying in your bed .

As cliche as it sounds, moving on does exist . It is not just a matter of time . It is a matter of effort and strength . It is actually about loving yourself enough that you let yourself heal . It is about being brave enough to let it hurt first . the only way out is through . In order to go through something , you must let it in . Let it sink . Let it sit for a good minute. Let yourself have setbacks. I think one of the hardest things in life is moving on , it may sound so little in the face of all the actual challenges we all face but before you all come at me , you must know that it is the little things that matter . Letting yourself heal from the tiniest of things and then pushing yourself for move forward . May seem like an easy task , may sound like an easy task but it isn’t . It is your biggest fight in this life or more importantly , the only one . letting go and moving on .there is no step by step tutorial to it , wish I could upload a 5 minute craft for this but unfortunately , there isn’t . Just gotta tell yourself that it is okay to not feel like yourself . It is okay to have stepbacks but its not okay to let yourself spiral and not do anything about it . Tell yourself that its gonna hurt a lot and then tell yourself that no matter what happens , you are never gonna give up on yourself . Tell it to yourself everyday ,a hundred times a day if it counts.

In this life , its inevitable to not get your heartbroken , every thing that you’re scared of will HAPPEN . You will watch everything you dread, happen right in front of you . IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME .

You will break and build and break and build and break again . With every heartbreak and every reconstruct , you will feel yourself growing , maturing, more empathetic , more understanding . we are all works in progress. We are always in the process . It is only a matter of time . We can either be brave in the face of change and accept it or we can run far away from it . it is a choice we have to make .

